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Rachit Anand is a graduate student at the Department of Comparative Literature, State University of New York, Buffalo, whose current work is steeped in J.M. Coetzee’s fiction and the question of allegory.


The Singularity of Literatiure

Derek Attridge
Department of English and Related Literature, University of York, Heslington,
York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom.
Author of J.M. Coetzee and the Ethics of Reading and The Singularity of Literature.



David Attwell is the author of "J.M. Coetzee: South Africa and the Politics of Writing" (California UP, 1993) and the co-editor of "Doubling the Point: Essays and Interviews" (Harvard UP, 1992). He is based at the University of York in the United Kingdom.


David Attwell
Marilia Fatima de Oliveira (formerly Bandeira)

Marilia Fatima de Oliveira (formerly Bandeira) received her PhD at Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. Her research concerns South African censorship apparatus and its consequences for J.M. Coetzee's books, the censors and editors; especially in In the Heart of the Country, Waiting for the Barbarians and Life & Times of Michael K. For her MA thesis, she worked on the representation of violence and conflict in Coetzee's novels, with a focus on how it has been affected by the end of apartheid. She has published critical reviews on Coetzee's work and South African literature in general, and was also privileged to assist Coetzee with Brazilian matters for Summertime.





Doug Battersby recently completed a PhD at the University of York, writing his dissertation on the relationships between knowing and feeling in late modernist fiction, including a chapter on J. M. Coetzee. Doug has published essays and articles on Vladimir Nabokov, Samuel Beckett, John Banville, Joseph Conrad, and Ian McGuire.



Sourit Bhattacharya

Sourit Bhattacharya is doctoral candidate in English and CLS at the University of Warwick, working on the intersections between political crisis and literary realism in South Asian context. He wrote his MPhil partly on J. M. Coetzee and is interested in two sets of questions in his work: political event and narrative strategy, and Coetzee's Asian links.



Mary Bock


Elleke Boehmer

Since 2002 Elleke Boehmer has written several essays on J.M. Coetzee and, inter alia, gender, sorriness and Australia.  She has also co-edited J.M. Coetzee in Context and Theory. Though this is entirely her personal feeling, as a writer she considers Coetzee one of her most important precursors.  She is the Professor of World Literature in English at the University of Oxford.


blank Work on Coetzee by Elleke Boehmer:
  • Edited with Robert Eaglestone and Katy Iddiols.  J.M. Coetzee in Context and Theory.  London.  Continuum.  2009.  ISBN 978-0-8264-9883-0
  •  ‘Queer Bodies’.  In J.M.Coetzee in Context and Theory. Edited by Boehmer, Eaglestone and Iddiols.   London.  Continuum Press.  2009.  pp. 123-134.
  •  ‘Sorry, sorrier, sorriest: The Gendering of Contrition in J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace’.  J. M. Coetzee and the Idea of the Public Intellectual.  Edited by Jane Poyner. Athens.  Ohio UP.  2006.  pp. 135-47.
  • ‘Gender Implications in Disgrace’. Interventions: J.M. Coetzee Special Issue.   4.3. 2002.  pp. 242-51. Earlier version in Resistance and Reconciliation: Writing in the Commonwealth. Edited by Bruce Bennett et al. Canberra. ACLALS.  2003.
  • 'JM Coetzee's Australian Realism'.  Special issue of Francophone Postcolonial Studies on Postcolonial Poetics.  Forthcoming 2011.
  • Sharmilla and Other Portraits.  Johannesburg.  Jacana.  2010.




Rachel Bower is currently completing doctoral research at the University of Cambridge. The PhD is entitled, ‘Epistolarity and the world republic of letters, 1978-2008’. The research examines the resurgence of the epistolary form in novels published during this period, suggesting that the form provides a critical lens through which to examine human encounter across national, cultural and historical boundaries. The research includes two chapters on epistolarity in J.M. Coetzee’s work, particularly focussing on Foe and Age of Iron. Rachel’s wider research includes work on Arab anglophone writing, postcolonial institutions and the archive, and the impact of political and historical contexts on material texts.



Rachel Bower

Stewart Brett

Stewart Brett: I am currently writing a doctoral thesis on Mikhail Bakhtin and J.M. Coetzee at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. With a particular focus on Bakhtin's early philosophical work, my research seeks to contextualize Coetzee's fiction within the convergence of Bakhtinian phenomenological philosophy and late modernist literary ethical and aesthetic practice. Bakhtin's concept of dialogic authorship holds important implications for the study of selfhood and intersubjective ethics in Coetzee's fiction, and informs the transitional modernist/postmodernist aesthetics of Coetzee's self-reflexive art.





Alicia Broggi has an MSc in English Literature and an MA in theology.  She hopes to combine these interests in doctoral research examining J.M. Coetzee's engagement with religion.


Alicia Broggi

Bill Shengqin Cai

Bill Shengqin Cai, professor, Chair, Department of English, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China, received his PhD from China Central Normal University (CCNU) and Master from University of Queensland (UQ). His dissertation is on John Maxwell Coetzee studies.  His works are in contemporary post-colonial literatures, with a focus on South Africa English novels, and with particular interest in the work of J. M. Coetzee and other South African contemporary authors include Andre Brink, Zakes Mda and Nadine Gordimer. He is the caller and organizer of The Internal Conference on Coetzee Studies and Post-colonial Literature in China.



Duncan McColl Chesney is Associate Professor in Comparative Literature at the National Taiwan University in Taipei. He is the author of"Towards an Ethics of Silence: Michael K" (Criticism 49.3 Summer 2007: 307-325). He is currently at work on a book project on Coetzee and fictional truth.


Duncan McColl Chesney
Carrol Clarkson

Carrol Clarkson started the Coetzee Collective at the University of Cape Town in 2006. She has published widely on aesthetics, legal theory, and South African literature and art. Her books include J.M. Coetzee: Countervoices (Palgrave 2009; 2nd edition 2013) and Drawing the Line: Toward an Aesthetics of Transitional Justice (Fordham University Press 2014).


Carmen Concilio
Associate Professor of  English and Postcolonial Studies
University of Turin, Italy


Publications on J.M. Coetzee:


  • Age of Iron [1990] Età di ferro, Donzelli, Rome, 1995, winner of Feronia, Città di Fiano (Rome) Prize 1995, reprinted as Età di ferro, Einaudi, Torino, 2006.


  • 1994. “Foe: ovvero la sovversione delle strutture narrative”
    [Foe, or the subversion of narrative structures],
    L’asino d’oro, Loescher, Torino (november), 10: 10-34.
  • 2004. “A defence of the humanities and the arts: J.M. Coetzee, Edward Said, Michael Ondaatje”, English Studies, Trauben, Torino: 95-110.
  • 2005. “Fiori di carne, fiori di deserto in alcune opere di J.M. Coetzee”
    [Flowers of Flesh, Flowers of the Desert in some Works by J.M. Coetzee],
    in V. Gianolio (ed.), Fiori e segni, Torino, Tirrenia Stampatori, pp. 125-143.
  • 2009. J.M. Coetzee. Percorsi di lettura tra storia e narrazione*
    [J.M. Coetzee. Reading patterns between history and narration],
    C. Concilio and G. Ferreccio (eds.), Gorée, Siena:
    • C. Concilio, Coetzee e Kafka. Il corpo e la vergogna
      [Coetzee and Kafka. The body and the shame], pp. 165-210
    • C. Concilio, Coetzee e il postcoloniale: l’etica della cura contro l’orrorismo [Coetzee and postcolonialism: the ethics of the cure vs horrorism], pp. 315-340.



Carmen Concilio

Jean-Louis Cornille

Jean-Louis Cornille is professor of Modern French Literature at UCT. He has translated into French most of Coetzee's articles and Elizabeth Costello.


Gillian Dooley is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow and librarian at Flinders University in South Australia. She has published articles on authors from Jane Austen to VS Naipaul and edited books on Matthew Flinders and Iris Murdoch. Her latest monograph is JM Coetzee and the Power of Narrative (Cambria Press, 2010). She is the editor of the electronic journals Transnational Literature and Writers in Conversation published by Flinders University, and is a regular book reviewer for Australian publications.


Gillian Dooley

Lliang Dong

Liang Dong is a doctorial candidate at the University of York, Britain. His PhD project focuses on how the sense of alienation and belonging in Coetzee - which he calls 'home consciousness' - finds its way into the writer’s fictions. Before coming to York under the supervision of David Attwell, Liang Dong was a senior lecturer at Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, China. He once helped to co-organize the International Symposium of Coetzee Study and Postcolonial Literature Research, Wuhan, China in 2010.





Rebecca Downes is a PhD candidate and IRCHSS Government of Ireland scholar at the National University of Ireland, Galway. A graduate of University College Dublin, she wrote her MA thesis on Exteriority in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace. Her current project explores the significance of death as both a structuring principle and a thematic concern in the novels of John Banville and J.M. Coetzee, focusing on the inadequacy of the human relation to death and the singular capacity of literature to respond where rational intellectual debate breaks down. She is particularly interested in the deepening preoccupation with death in the later work of both novelists and on the persistence of a shared Beckettian heritage and a modernist aesthetic throughout their oeuvres.


Rebecca Downes



My name is Marie Dumas. I'm French and have been teaching French in Ireland for three years. Last year, I did an MA in modern English literature and wrote my dissertation on Coetzee. It was entitled 'Ideas of Community in J.M. Coetzee's selected works'. I worked on Age of Iron, Disgrace, Elizabeth Costello and Slow Man. This year, I have to write another dissertation to complete my Masters in France and have decided to keep working on Coetzee. I would like to orientate my research on problems of communication (linked to the ideas of community) in the same novels and Diary of A Bad Year. I'm particularly interested in Michael Marais's and Derek Attridge's criticism on ethics and on the idea of 'ethical community'. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to exchange on Coetzee!



Simon During is at the University of Queensland. He has been a long-time fan and teacher of Coetzee’s novels and over the past couple of years has begun to write about him. He has two forthcoming essays on his work, one on its relations to Kafka’s formal innovations and to “the neutral"; the other thinks about Coetzee's novels as “humanities fiction”, i.e. as mainly intended for graduates of humanities disciplines.






Sam Durrant

Dr Sam Durrant, a Senior Lecturer in Postcolonial Literature at Leeds university, has published several essays on Coetzee, including:

  • "Bearing Witness to Apartheid: J. M. Coetzee's Inconsolable Works of Mourning." Contemporary Literature. 40: 3 (Fall 1999): 430-63.
  • "J. M. Coetzee, Elizabeth Costello and the Limits of the Sympathetic Imagination." In J. M. Coetzee and the Idea of the Public Intellectual. Ed Jane Poyner. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2006. 118-34.
  • "Father, Can't You See I'm Burning?" Trauma, Ethics and the Real in J. M. Coetzee's Age of Iron." In Culture and the Unconscious. Ed Michael Rustin, Caroline Bainbridge, Candida Yates and Susannah Radstone. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2007. 130-149.

He is the author of Postcolonial Narrative and the Work of Mourning: J. M. Coetzee, Wilson Harris and Toni Morrison (SUNY, 2004) and is currently working on a book provisionally entitled Creaturely Associations in Contemporary African Literature.

School of English, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT.
Tel: +44 (0)113 343 4768
Web: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/arts/profile/20040/358/sam_durrant_



Kai Easton teaches at SOAS, University of London. She specialises in South African literature (Wicomb, Coetzee, the Cape); gender & the cultures of travel; Indian Ocean diasporas; intertextuality; theories of fiction, history, and autobiography. Her work on Coetzee includes:

  • 'Teaching Foe and Disgrace: Intertextuality and the Question of Canonicity'. In Boehmer, Poyner, Wright (eds), MLA Approaches to Teaching Coetzee's Disgrace and Other Works. (Volume under review).
  • (2007) 'Coetzee's Disgrace: Byron in Italy and the Eastern Cape c. 1820.' The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 42 (3). pp. 113-30.
    (2006) 'Coetzee, the Cape and the Question of History.' Scrutiny2: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa, 11 (1). pp. 5-21.
  • (2006) 'J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace: Reading Race/Reading Scandal.' In: Morrison, J. and Watkins, S., (eds.), Scandalous Fictions. The Twentieth-Century Novel in the Public Sphere. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 187-205.
  • (2004) 'Travels to the Metropolis: Cape Town, London, and J.M. Coetzee's Youth.' Moving Worlds, 4 (1). pp. 72-84.
  • (2000). 'Textuality & the Land: Reading 'White Writing' and the Fiction of J. M. Coetzee'. Unpublished PhD thesis, SOAS, University of London.
  • (1995) Text & Hinterland: J. M. Coetzee and the South African Novel'. Journal of Southern African Studies, 21 (4). pp. 21.4 585-99.

Dr Kai Easton
Lecturer in African Literature & Diaspora Studies
Faculty of Languages & Cultures
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh St, Russell Square
Tel: (+44) 020 7898 4373
Fax: (+44) 020 7898 4399



Charlotta Elmgren is a doctoral student at the Department of English at Stockholm University. Her PhD project focuses on the significance of children in Coetzee’s fiction and is supervised by Professor Stefan Helgesson and Assistant Professor Pieter Vermeulen. For more information please visit Charlotta's research profile.



Kjetil Enstad, Associate Professor of English, The Norwegian Military Academy.
I defended my doctoral thesis on Coetzee, 'The voice that strains to soar away from the ludicrous instrument' - Language and Narration in the novels of J. M. Coetzee, in 2008 (http://ask.bibsys.no/ask/action/show?pid=082443513&kid=biblio).
I delivered a paper to the Coetzee Collective in 2006.

kjetil.enstad@gmail.com or kenstad@mil.no

Kjetil Enstad
Marc Farrant

Marc Farrant is a PhD Candidate at the London Graduate School, and a Contributing Editor at the online literary review website, Review31. He is a graduate of UCL and the University of East Anglia, in the UK. His research focuses on the relationship between philosophical and literary modernism, specifically with reference to the literature of Samuel Beckett and J.M. Coetzee. Currently, he is researching modernist configurations of time and history, through the philosophical work of Adorno, Benjamin and Derrida, and attempting to understand Beckett's and Coetzee's relation to this tradition via their aesthetic renderings of time and history.



Ian Glenn is Professor of Media Studies at the University of Cape Town. His research focuses on technologies of nature media and on political communication in South Africa. His most recent publication on Coetzee is "Gone for Good  -- Coetzee's Disgrace" in English in Africa, 2009, 36:2, 79-98. An article on the film adaptation of Disgrace will be appearing in the same journal later this year.

Ian Glenn
Lucy Valerie Graham

Lucy Valerie Graham is a lecturer in the English Department, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. She has published several articles and book chapters on J.M. Coetzee, and her D.Phil. thesis (forthcoming as a book to be published by Oxford University Press) deals extensively with J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace in relation to a long history of South African narratives of sexual violence. She is also currently working on a project entitled "J.M. Coetzee and the Task of the Translator".



Erik Grayson: I am currently preparing to defend my doctoral dissertation on
J. M. Coetzee at the State University of New York at Binghamton, where I also teach courses in Twentieth Century Literature.



Brian Greenhill is a Master's student in English literature at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. He is currently writing his thesis on Coetzee.



Ann Guinee: At present I am a mature student in my final year of a Philosophy and Theology B.A. I also kept up English to the end of second year (at which point I had no option to continue it further). I have just completed my undergraduate project on biblical allusion in Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians and Disgrace and hope to continue this topic for an M.A. over the next couple of years.



Londi Gumedze is a postgraduate student at UCT and wishes she could spend the rest of her life studying J.M. Coetzee ... or James Joyce, but will probably have to settle for something more marketable.



My name is Tina Harpin and I'm currently writing my PhD dissertation at the Université Paris 13, on representations of incest in South African and American twentieth-century novels. I'm also a teaching assistant at my university, and at the moment, I'm visiting the Centre for African Studies for a couple of months, at UCT.




Hilmar Hesiter

Hilmar Heister wrote his MA thesis at the FU Berlin in 2008 on narrative strategies in Foe, The Master of Petersburg, and Elizabeth Costello. Currently he is Research Assistant at the Seminar of African Studies at the Humboldt University Berlin for Professsor Flora Veit–Wild and is working on his PhD. The paper will discuss the concepts of embodiment and the sympathetic imagination in Coetzee's work, tracing its development in his fictional and critical writing.

  • "Prometheus und das Abendland - Stones and Pebbles in the Pale Light of a New Dawn" (Orientalische Literaturzeitung der HU Berlin, 2007, vol.102 no.4 pp.407-410), a review of Old Myths - Modern Empires: Power, Language and Identity in J.M. Coetzee's Work by Michela Canepari-Labib (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2005).

Hilmar Heister
Seminar of African Studies
Invalidenstr. 118
10115 Berlin
Tel: +49(0)30-2093 66078 (office) or +49(0)30-2080 4827 (home)





Lance Herman


Piotr Jakubowski

Piotr Jakubowski is a Phd student at the Department of Cultural Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland). In his doctoral thesis he links the philosophy of subject with literature, considering coherent narrative as a model of existence. He has authored three articles on Coetzee's works as well as an introduction to "The Great Escape Artists: Essays around J.M. Coetzee's Life & Times of Michael K" (2013) of which he is editor and for which he has translated into Polish essays by Derek Attridge, Dana Dragunoiu, Anton Leist and Patrick Hayes.



Joy Jansen is a second year MA/PhD student at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is exploring issues of authorship, narration, censorship, and sexuality in the fiction of J.M. Coetzee and other postcolonial writers.


Joy Jansen
Peter Johnston

Peter Johnston is based in the English Department at Royal Holloway, University of London, and is currently working on the connections between J.M. Coetzee's enduring interest in mathematics and his novels, poetry, and criticism.



Matthew Kalil has an MA in Screenwriting from the UK, and has spent the last few years directing and writing independent short films, feature films and television shows, as well as exploring an interest in video art. He has also been lecturing at various institutions including the University of Cape Town, AFDA Film School and TISH at New York University. His projects and collaborations have been exhibited, screened and broadcast in Denmark, Canada, France, New Zealand, America, Thailand, Sweden, Morocco and South Africa. His work often explores themes relating to political and environmental issues, as well as aspects of popular culture and identity in contemporary society.

He has received various funding and awards from institutes such as The Commonwealth Scholarship, Yorkshire and Humberside Arts, The National Arts Council, The South African Screenwriting Institute and The National Film and Video Foundation.

In 2005 he spearheaded the creation of the Amarabella Township Film Festival, screening and making films in Cape Town’s informal settlements. He is currently developing two feature film scripts and is taking his solo play The Way Out to Grahamstown this year. Matthew has appeared as an actor in various short films, adverts and a feature film as well as performing at the National Arts festival in 2009. Matthew’s other writing projects include his series of children’s books, the first of which was published in 2009 entitled Helga’s Big Splash.




Matthew Kalil


Dr Peter Knox-Shaw, a Research Associate at UCT, author of The Explorer in English Fiction (1986) and Jane Austen and the Enlightenment (2004), is presently at work on a study of the impact of the life sciences on philosophy in the later eighteenth century. His first publication was an essay on Dusklands, and he continues to be keenly interested in the literature of cross-cultural encounter.




Sue Kossew

Sue Kossew holds degrees from the Universities of Cape Town, East Anglia and New South Wales. Her work is in contemporary post-colonial literatures, with a focus on South Africa and Australia, and with particular interest in the work of J. M. Coetzee and contemporary women writers. Her publications include Pen and Power: A Post-colonial Reading of J. M. Coetzee and André Brink (1996), Critical Essays on J. M. Coetzee (1998), Re-Imagining Africa: New Critical Perspectives (ed. with Dianne Schwerdt, 2001) and Writing Woman, Writing Place: Australian and South African Fiction (2004). She has edited a book of critical essays on the work of Kate Grenville entitled Lighting Dark Places (2010) and co-edited a collection of essays with Chris Danta and Julian Murphet, Strong Opinions: J. M. Coetzee and the Authority of Contemporary Fiction (2011). She has published numerous articles and chapters on Coetzee’s work, including “The Politics of Shame and Redemption in J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace”, in Research in African Literatures 34.2 (2003), and a chapter on his Scenes from Provincial Life in Tim Mehigan’s edited volume, A Companion to the Works of J.M. Coetzee (2011).

She is Professor of English at Monash University and is on the editorial board of Journal of Commonwealth Literature and The Literary Encyclopedia. She has been commissioned to write an annotated bibliography on J.M. Coetzee for Oxford University Press’s online bibliographies.





Rajesh Krishnamuti is currently working on a PhD at the University of Western Australia exploring the outsider in Coetzee's post-apartheid novels.


Rajesh Krishnamuti


Mariya Kurbak

Mariya Kurbak received her Ph.D. at the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Her research concerns the historical context of J.M. Coetzee's works, the history of censorship in South Africa in comparison with Russia, the Russian context of Coetzee’s novels, and links between modern South African and Russian literature and history. The author of John Maxwell Coetzee. Reflections of the Outsider (ДжонМаксвеллКуцие. Мыслипостороннего) Moscow: Political Encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2015. She is a senior research scientist at the Center of African Studies of the Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Essays on J.M. Coetzee:

Южная Африка и мир глазами Дж.М. Куцие и Н. Гордимер// Африка: история и историки. М., Высшаяшколаэкономики, 2014. С. 290-317. (South Africa and the World as seen by J.M. Coetzee and N. Gordimer// Africa: History and Historians. Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2014. P. 290-317).

Национальный и расовый вопрос в работах южноафриканского писателя Дж.М. Куцие//Электронный академический журнал «История», N3 (19)б 2013. С. 251-268. (National and Race Problem in the works of South African Writer J.M. Coetzee// Academic E-Journal “History”, N3(19), 2013. P. 251-268).

Кутзее и южноафриканская цензура// Вестник РГГУ, N9, 2012, с. 215-235. (CoetzeeandSouthAfricanCensorship// VestnikRGGU, N9, 2012. P. 215-235.)

Биография Дж.М. Кутзее// История Африки в биографиях. М.: РГГУ, 2012. с. 147-154. (Biography of J.M. Coetzee// History of Africa in Biographies. In 3 Volumes. Volume 1. Moscow, RGGU, 2012. P. 147-154)

Дж.М.Кутзее. Южноафриканский писатель и его время// Восток (Oriens), N4, 2010, с. 113-121. (J.M. Coetzee. South African Writer and His Times// Vostok (Oriens). N4, 2010, pp.113-121)

ЮАР 1960-1990-х годов в романах нобелевского лауреата Дж.М. Кутзее// Новая и новейшая история. - №2, 2010. С.171-184. (The South African Republic from 1960 to 1990, as portrayed in the work of the Nobel Prize Winner J. M. Coetzee// Novaya I Noveyshaya Istoriya, N2, 2010, pp.171-184).

Джон Максвелл Кутзее и Россия// Азия и Африка сегодня. - №7, 2009. С. 67-70.(John Maxwell Coetzee and Russia// Asiya I Afrika segodnya, N7, 2009, pp. 67-70).





Maria Lopez is a lecturer in the English Department at the University of Córdoba, Spain. Her publications include:

  • Acts of Visitation: The Narrative of J.M. Coetzee (Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2011)
  • "J.M. Coetzee's Summertime: Mistranslation, Linguistic Unhousedness and the Extraterritorial Literary Community." Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 35.1 (June 2013): 51-67.
  • "Can We Be Friends Here? Visitation and Hospitality in J.M. Coetzee's
    Disgrace." Journal of Southern African Studies 36.4 (December 2010): 923-938. Terence Ranger Prize 2010
  • "Foe: A Ghost Story." Journal of Commonwealth Literature 45.2 (June 2010): 295-310.
  • "'I am not a herald of community': Communities of Contagion and Touching in the Letters of J.M. Coetzee." In Community in 20th Century Fiction, ed. Paula Martín, Gerardo Rodríguez & Julián Jiménez. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2013. 238-254.


Maria Lopez



Peter D McDonald

Peter D. McDonald has published on Coetzee in various journals, including the Times Literary Supplement (19 May 2000), Interventions (4.3, 2002), Book History (7, 2004), the London Review of Books (20 October 2005), and Novel (43.3, 2010), and he is the author of The Literature Police: Apartheid Censorship and its Cultural Consequences (2009, see also www.theliteraturepolice.com). He is a lecturer in English at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of St Hugh’s College.



My name is Joshua Maserow. I am doing my honours in English Literature at UCT and plan to do my research paper on personal identity and the creation of the 'self ' in J.M. Coetzee's Summertime. I completed my undergraduate degree at WITS at the end of 2009, majoring in English Literature and Philosophy.



Rajend Mesthrie: I'd like to be part of the group, but a mostly sleeping member (for reasons of time).  I am interested in JM Coetzee's Linguistics.



Debasish Mishra, a native of Bhawanipatna, Odisha, India, is a PhD scholar of English Literature at National Institute of Science Education and Research, HBNI, India, where he is engaged as a researcher in Humanities (English Literature). He is the recipient of The Bharat Award for Literature in 2019 and The Reuel International Best Upcoming Poet Prize in 2017. His writing has been published or is forthcoming in North Dakota Quarterly, Star*Line, Lovecraftiana, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, English in Education, Muse India, Wordweavers, Melange, Aatish-2 and The Expository Times. A former banker with United Bank of India, he resigned from that career to devote more time to literature.

His review of The Death of Jesus is published in the July 2020 edition (Volume 131 Issue 10) of The Expository Times. (There is a typo in the title: it should be "A Modern, Fictional Parallel of Jesus".)



Debasish Mishra
Valeria Mosca

Valeria Mosca is a PhD fellow at the University of Genoa, Italy, and an Academic Visitor at the University of York. Her research focuses on Coetzee's fictional dialogues as exemplary of his "aesthetic of tentativeness" and narrative singularity, with particular regard to his pseudo-autobiographical and intertextual strategies. Her publications and conference presentations on Coetzee are listed here:

valeriamosca@alice.it; valeriamosca1606@gmail.com


Diana Mudura is a doctoral candidate at the University of York, where she is researching the late works of J. M. Coetzee. She has written her Masters dissertation on disability in J. M. Coetzee’s early fiction while studying at the University of Vienna. Diana also holds a Bachelor degree in English and German language and literature from the Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania.


Diana Mudura
Angela Müller

Angela Müller is a doctoral student at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) at the University of Giessen, Germany (http://gcsc.uni-giessen.de). In her dissertation she investigates representations of life writing in Coetzee’s works, with a focus on autre-biography. Her interest lies in English literature and literary history, post-colonial theory and literature, life writing and memory studies.




Hania A.M. Nashef is a professor at the American University of Sharjah. Her publications include Palestinian Culture and the Nakba: Bearing WitnessThe Politics of Humiliation in the Novels of J. M. Coetzee. She has also published on Mahmoud Darwish, José Saramago, Raja Shehadeh, and Samuel Beckett.

Her publications on J.M. Coetzee include:




Book chapters:

  •  “Resisting the cul-de-sac in Disgrace, Master of Petersburg and Life & Times of Michael K,” in J.M. Coetzee: Dead Ends and Beyond, Eds. Ludmiła Gruszewska-Blaim, Tomasz Wiś niewski, Gdansk, Poland: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, 2016.

  • “Let the Demon In: Death and Guilt in The Master of Petersburg", in Travelling Texts: J.M. Coetzee and Other Writers, Eds. Kucala, Bozena and Robert Kusek, Oxford: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers (2014).

  • Wygnanie jako trwałe rozdarcie. „Życie i czasy Michaela K” oraz wspomnienia Mahmouda Darwisha." In Wielcy artyści ucieczek. Antologia tekstów o Życiu i czasach Michaela K Johna Maxwella Coetzeego w trzydziestą rocznicę publikacji powieści, edited by Piotr Jakubowski, Malgorzata Janowska, 421-442. Kraków: korporacja ha!art (2013).

hnashef@aus.edu or hanashef@eim.ae


Hania Nashef



The National English Literary Museum (NELM) collects authors’ manuscripts, diaries, correspondence, printers’ proofs, publishers’ archives, play-scripts, theatre programmes etc., printing equipment and cultural artefacts. NELM has over 20 000 published works of creative or imaginative writing in the following genres, among others: poems, short stories, novels, plays, autobiographies, travel writing and children’s literature. Secondary resources include reference and critical works, journals and journal articles, and press clippings. Although the main focus of NELM is South African writing, English literature from Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Lesotho and Swaziland is also collected.  

NELM staff undertake original research and regularly present papers at conferences and publish essays, reviews and bibliographies in scholarly publications, as well as preparing exhibitions and educational support material. NELM compiles the South Africa and Zimbabwe section for the bibliography issue of the UK-based publication The Journal of Commonwealth Literature (published by Sage). Each bibliography lists books and major critical essays published in the previous year, with a brief introduction that provides an overview of significant books, themes and trends.

Exhibitions are NELM’s best means of reaching out and making the public aware of our literary heritage, and in addition to our own premises, have been displayed in schools, libraries and other venues all over South Africa. Themes of past exhibitions include Sir Percy FitzPatrick and Jock of the Bushveld, the “Child in the Book” and Nelson Mandela in literature (to celebrate his 90th birthday). The current exhibition is “This is what I’m made of: landscape in South African literature”.

NELM staff are involved in school excursions to places that have literary and historic associations. The aim of these programmes is to support the teaching and learning of a range of subjects, as well as assist schools in the promotion and teaching of literature. As a national museum NELM encourages the use of its collections and secondary resources for study and enjoyment. Academics and students involved in serious study from all parts of the world come to NELM or correspond with staff and we also welcome teachers and learners, as well as reader circles and book clubs.

Access to NELM’s collections is available online via BiblioLine and the NISC Corporation’s “Southern African Studies” database, which is available via EBSCOhost. Alternatively, requests for information can be directed to NELM. We are also in the process of making our databases available via our website.


Private Bag 1019, GRAHAMSTOWN 6140, SOUTH AFRICA.
Tel: +27 46 622-7042
Fax: +27 46 622-2582



Richard Alan Northover is currently a lecturer in the Department of Afrikaans and Theory of Literature at the University of South Africa (Unisa). His PhD, obtained at the University of Pretoria in 2010, was awarded for his thesis entitled ‘J.M. Coetzee and Animal Rights: Elizabeth Costello’s Challenge to Philosophy’. His academic interests include literature, literary theory, philosophy, history, myth and religion, and he is working in the fields of animal studies and ecocriticism. His most recent publication on Coetzee, in English in Africa 41(1), May 2014:35-54, is entitled 'Schopenhauer and secular salvation in the work of J.M. Coetzee'. He has also published articles on J.M. Coetzee in Scrutiny2 (2009) and English in Africa (2012), and he joint-published an article in The Journal for the General Philosophy of Science (2008). As a result of his studies he has become a vegetarian.


Richard Alan Northover


Thomas Penfold


Thomas Penfold: I am a postgraduate student at the University of Birmingham doing an African Studies Masters. My work focus will be on the writings of Damon Galgut and his portrayal of memory - in particular how the effects of racial segregation under Apartheid still haunt South African society. I hope to use Coetzee's work as a foundation to see how his concerns are still present in the latest literary generation, especially Jane Poyner's Paradox of Postcolonial Authorship. I became intrigued after being supervised by her as undergraduate. I hope this group will help me tackle more of the issues, and I am actively searching for a way to visit South Africa in the coming year to further my research.





Marcus Perryman: Born 1956, and resident in Verona, Italy since 1979, I am a literary and technical translator, the joint translator with the British poet Peter Robinson of The Selected Poetry and Prose of Vittorio Sereni (Chicago University Press 2006). Future publications will include a translation and lengthy essay on a screenplay by Federico Fellini, and Orson Welles in Italy, a translation of the first full-length study of the life of Orson Welles in Italy from 1948-53.


Marcus Perryman

Sarah Pett

Sarah Pett: A graduate of Cambridge and Rhodes, Sarah is currently in her second
year of a PhD at the University of York. Her thesis looks at suffering and ethics in the work of Coetzee, and is supervised by Professor Derek Attridge. Other research interests include American literature (particularly the work of Carson McCullers and Flannery O'Connor), as well as contemporary fiction and non-fiction writing from South Africa. Funding from the World Universities Network has enabled her to visit UCT in the (southern hemisphere) autumn of 2011.



Donald Powers is based at the Department of English Literature at the University of Cape Town, where he teaches Coetzee and Faulkner and recently completed a PhD entitled "Emigration, Literary Celebrity, and the Autobiographical Turn in J.M. Coetzee's Later Fiction". 


Donald Powers

Jane Poyner


Dr Jane Poyner is a lecturer in postcolonial literature and theory in the Department of English at the University of Exeter, UK. Her primary research interests lie in Anglophone literatures of the apartheid and post-apartheid eras. Her publications include a monograph, J.M. Coetzee and the Paradox of Postcolonial Authorship (2009); an edited collection, J.M. Coetzee and the Idea of the Public Intellectual (2006); an MLA Approaches to Teaching volume on Coetzee; and a monograph on the literature of the transition from apartheid to democracy. Her most recent book is The Worlding of the South African Novel: Spaces of Transition.



Ian-Malcolm Rijsdijk lectures in the Centre for Film and Media Studies at the University of Cape Town. His PhD thesis looked at history in the films of Terrence Malick and his postdoctoral work is in the field of film and environmental studies as well as South African film.


Ian-Malcolm Rijsdijk
Arthur Rose

Arthur Rose wrote his MA on theoretical notions of reciprocity in Coetzee. His current project revolves around Coetzee´s cosmopolitan influences. He is Visiting Professor, Department of English, College of Humanities, Chonbuk National University, Chon-Ju, 561-756, Korea.
Phone: +82(0)63-270-3199



Jennifer Rutherford



Patricia Alvarez Sánchez

Patricia Alvarez Sánchez is a lecturer at the Universidad de Málaga, Spain. She studied English Philology at the University of Oviedo and Translation at the Humboldt Universität in Berlin. She wrote her Master’s on the representation of women in Waiting for the Barbarians and her doctoral theses on the ideological aspects of language in Coetzee’s early fiction. Her research concerns postcolonial literature and, more specifically, relationships of power (through gender and language) in Coetzee’s fiction and Coetzee’s intertextuality with non English speaking authors.

Some of her articles on Coetzee can be found here:


Simon van Schalkwyk is currently in the process of completing his Doctorate on the poetic imitations of Robert Lowell through the department of English Language and Literature at the University of Cape Town. He has an abiding interest in the fictional and critical work of JM Coetzee.

Patricia Schonstein

Patricia Schonstein Pinnock: I am an author of fiction and a poet with a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing supervised by JM Coetzee. One of my novels, The Master’s Ruse, explores the relationship between two authors silenced by the regime under which they live. One of them, a banned, former professor of literature, is based on JM Coetzee. The novel is cast as an allegorical masterclass and a memoir of authorship and conscience.



Erin Scudder : I completed a Master’s thesis on Coetzee’s novel In the Heart of the Country and am prospectively beginning a PhD focusing on Coetzee’s Jesus novels. I presented at the 2014 Traverses conference in Adelaide, and will present again at Reading Coetzee’s Women in September 2016. A fuller record of my research and publications is available here: https://unimelb.academia.edu/ErinScudder


Erin Scudder
Keren Schlezinger

Keren Shlezinger is based in Melbourne, Australia. She is writing a PhD on Blanchot and Coetzee, and is supervised by Professor Andrew Benjamin and Professor Sue Kossew.



Eckard Smuts: I am a PhD student in the English Department at UCT. My research focuses on tracing elements of Romanticism in Coetzee's autobiographical fictions (Boyhood, Youth, Summertime). I have also published an article on issues surrounding structure, desire and subjectivity in Elizabeth Costello (English in Africa 36.2, October 2009); it is available online here: http://ajol.info/index.php/eia. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, suggestions, ideas or other correspondence, at:


Wilhlem Snyman

Wilhelm Snyman, School of Languages & Literatures, University of Cape Town. Research areas include Italian and German Modernism and Italian cinema; colonial and post-colonial literature, especially as regards Asia and Africa.



Aparna Mishra Tarc is Associate Professor at York University, Ontario. She is a postcolonial educational scholar who works with the literary thought of J.M. Coetzee and through a number of articles brings Coetzee's ideas on education to educational research scholarship. Her engagement with "The Problem of Evil" also features in her last monograph. She is currently working on a book-length project that focuses solely on his literature.



Dennis Thomas: I am a graduate student at Pune University, India. My research interests include the the novels of Samuel Beckett and J.M. Coetzee.






Andrew van der Vlies

Andrew van der Vlies  teaches in the School of English and Drama, Queen Mary, University of London. He is a graduate of Rhodes University in South Africa, where he is a Research Associate, and of the University of Oxford. Andrew has written on Coetzee in a number of venues, including:

  • a chapter on the publication history of In the Heart of the Country in his monograph, South African Textual Cultures: Black, White, Read All Over (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007)
  • a revised and rewritten version of this appears as "In or From the Heart of the Country: Local and Global Lives of Coetzee's Anti-pastoral", in Print, Text, and Book Cultures in South Africa, ed. Andrew van der Vlies (Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2012, pp 166-194) [in press]
  • a short book on Disgrace in the Continuum Contemporaries series: J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace (London and New York: Continuum, 2010)
  • an essay forthcoming in the MLA 'Approaches to Teaching' volume, co-edited by Laura Wright, Jane Poyner, and Elleke Boehmer: "'[From] whom this writing then?': Politics, Aesthetics and the Personal in Coetzee's Age of Iron", in Approaches to Teaching Coetzee's Disgrace and Other Works (New York: MLA) [in press]




Tonje Vold, Research Fellow, University of Oslo, Norway. My research on JM Coetzee's literature combines critical legal studies, approaches from ethical reading, and theories of new world literature to establish dialogues between Coetzee's literary work, literary criticism and a broader socio-political context.

PhD-dissertation 2009: "At the Heart of Coetzee. Reading the Echoes of the Truth Commission, the Poethics of Rape and the Significance of South Africanness in JM Coetzee's Novels 1997-2001".


Kai Wiegandt

Kai Wiegandt is based at the English Department of Freie Universität Berlin. He is interested in the anthropological concerns in Coetzee’s writings.



Jan Wilm has an MA in English and American Studies from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. He is a lecturer in English literature at Goethe University, where he is working on a PhD thesis on the literary and philosophical implications and representations of slowness in the work of J. M. Coetzee. He has co-edited a volume on Samuel Beckett and German Literature, Samuel Beckett und die deutsche Literatur (with Mark Nixon, 2013), and has published on Coetzee, Beckett, and D. H. Lawrence.


Jan Wilm

Hermann Wittenberg teaches at the University of the Western Cape, and has published several archival studies of Coetzee's writing. He edited Coetzee's film adaptations of In the Heart of the Country and Waiting for the Barbarians, published as Two Screenplays (UCT Press, 2014). With Michellle Kelly and Kate Highman he co-ordinates the "Coetzee's Other Arts" project, with conferences at UWC in 2016 and Oxford in 2017. Together with Farzanah Badsha, he has curated Coetzee's "Photographs from Boyhood" exhibition, with events in Oxford and Cape Town.



Paweł Wojtas is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Artes Liberales, The University of Warsaw and Warsaw School of Applied Linguistics. He completed his MLitt degree in English Studies at the University of Stirling (2008) and PhD at the University of Warsaw (2012). He has published on international modernisms, including Gombrowicz, Forster and Coetzee. He is currently researching disability in Coetzee's novels. Executive Editor of the scholarly journal Language and Literary Studies of Warsaw.

Published 2024: Narratives of Disability and Illness



Laura Wright

Laura Wright is Associate Professor of Postcolonial Literature and Director of Graduate Studies in the English Department at Western Carolina University. She has published work on South African literature, performance studies, animal studies, and women's studies in Ariel, Mosaic, African Studies, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, and elsewhere. Her monograph study, Writing "Out of All the Camps": J. M. Coetzee's Narratives of Displacement was published by Routledge in 2006, and her second monograph, "Wilderness into Civilized Shapes": Reading the Postcolonial Environment, was published in 2010 by the University of Georgia Press. She has published work on Coetzee in journals and edited collections, and she is lead editor of the forthcoming MLA volume Approaches to Teaching Coetzee's Disgrace and Other Works.

Laura's Amazon Author Page.






Katharina Zilles has an M.A. in English and Comparative Literature. She is a member of the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) and the International PhD Programme for Literary and Cultural Studies (IPP) at Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen, Germany. Her PhD project, which is also supervised at Stockholm University, is concerned with age(ing) as a category of cultural difference and its representation in contemporary Anglophone fiction. In October 2012, she hosted the conference 'Recognizing the Other: Discourses of Alterity in J.M. Coetzee and His Contexts' together with Angela Mueller. Her research interests include gender and postcolonial studies, theories of intersectionality, and body studies.



Katharina Zilles


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