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Reading Group


Donald Powers and Eckard Smuts have decided to start a J.M. Coetzee reading group under the auspices of the Coetzee Collective at UCT. We are both writing PhD theses on Coetzee’s work and would like to invite everyone who has an abiding and professional interest in Coetzee to join the group. The plan is to have a session once every two weeks where we discuss material by or relating to Coetzee. We envisage these meetings as a space of participation: the idea is for participants to read and think about the material and then come to the meeting prepared to ask questions and offer their own perspectives on the work. Our aim is to cultivate a lively space where everyone can contribute and draw benefit for their own research.

Please contact either of us if you'd like to join the group, so that we can add you to the mailing list and keep you informed about subsequent developments.

Eckard Smuts and Donald Powers


Page updated on December 10, 2015 TOP